Servicios – English


Test of technology 


INSPECTRA offers its customers the possibility to study the feasibility of automating the detection of any quality defect in their products. We have a fully equipped laboratory where we carry out the necessary tests that support the decision to use any of our technologies in the development of equipment or software.

We also offer the possibility of performing capture tests in the plant, with offline image processing, analyzing the efficiency of the inspection that the client wishes to automate.

On standard equipment, depending on the availability of test equipment, our customers are also sometimes offered the ability to configure and test a machine online.

If you currently have quality problems in your products, do not hesitate to contact us, we will advise you on the most appropriate detection methods.

Installation and implementation

INSPECTRA offers professional installation and commissioning services that guarantee an optimal implementation of your new equipment.

  • Hardware installation
  • Software calibration and installation
  • Training
  • Commissioning


We offer training courses after the installation of our equipment.  Through these courses we explain how to operate and maintain your equipment optimally, ensuring that you get the most out of INSPECTRA‘s solutions.

Courses include basic and advanced equipment maintenance, troubleshooting and an introduction to calibration and application development. Training can be done at an INSPECTRA office or at your plant (depending on the equipment and the facilities at the local INSPECTRA office).

Please contact us to receive information on specific offers available for your equipment.

Technical service

INSPECTRA has the most qualified application and calibration support team in the industry, allowing you to enjoy professional guidance and assistance.

Our expert application specialists can offer you advanced calibration development to help you when you are developing new applications.

In many cases, we can also provide you with tailor-made calibration development.

Repair and maintenance

If an equipment unfortunately breaks down, we have the best response time in the industry in getting your equipments back up and running.

We have extensive telephone support hours. Booking a service visit is quick and easy to do. If you would like to enjoy an extra fast onsite response time, we advise you to formalize an INSPECTRA Care® contract.

Spare parts and consumables

Throughout the life of your equipments, you can rely on fast and easy delivery of the spare parts, reagents and other consumables you need.

Software update

Our equipments are automatically and remotely updated to new software versions, if the customer requests it in the INSPECTRA Care® maintenance agreement.

In addition, they allow the implementation of new machine vision algorithms as the products to be inspected are modified, and are implemented remotely for quick use.